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Nursing Home in Camarillo

Total Senior was founded to help families find the most appropriate senior communities & care solutions for their elderly loved ones. With countless resources to navigate, finding the right care services can be quite a daunting task, but we’re here to help. Our reputation speaks for itself and we look forward to guiding many more families!

Many family caregivers claim they’ll never place their loved ones into a nursing home in Camarillo. Some regard nursing home care as a lack of effort to honor a parent’s wishes to stay at home until the end. Others see it as the ultimate betrayal.

But eventually, family caregivers are unable to keep up with the needs of their loved ones and their mental health begins to decline. It may be time for nursing home care if the caregiver is experiencing:

  • Denial about the disease and how it’s affecting the ill individual
  • Anger at their loved one
  • Social withdrawal from friends and activities that used to bring pleasure
  • Daily anxiety
  • Depression
  • Exhaustion
  • Sleeplessness
  • Irritability that leads to moodiness and negative actions
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty remembering the last time they felt good

In some cases, the psychological effects of caregiving can be more difficult to manage than the physical effects.

Facing The Decision

When it’s time to transition your loved one into a nursing home in Camarillo, here are a few tips for dealing with the change.

Don’t make promises you can’t — and shouldn’t — keep: It might sound noble to promise your loved one you’d never put them into a nursing home, but this promise could backfire. If, for example, they break their hip or suffer a stroke, the hospital may insist on nursing home care. If you’re not prepared to provide 24/7 supervision and medical care, you may end up scrambling to find a good nursing home and struggle to explain the decision to your loved one.


Focus on providing the right care — not necessarily what your loved one prefers: It can be hard to figure out what kind of care your loved one needs. However, the decision shouldn’t be solely based on a parent’s unchanging demands. The “right” plan should meet the parent’s current and future personal and medical needs, while taking into account the needs and capabilities of other family members. If nursing home care seems like the best long-term option, then that’s the way to go.

Expect mixed emotions: Walking into a nursing home in Camarillo can bring a flood of emotions. You might worry you’re making a bad decision, or that your loved one will be unhappy there. Be prepared for a period of adjusting — this is quite normal.

Plan ahead: The best case scenario is to have a few options lined up. For instance, if your spouse or parent receives an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, have a discussion with them about end of life care. Ask how they would feel about living in a nursing home when you’re no longer able to take care of them.

Feelings of guilt and sadness when moving a loved one to a nursing home, even if you made plans in advance, are a part of the process. If it feels like you’re abandoning them or taking away a piece of their freedom, focus on the signs of a good decision — one that benefits their health and safety, and yours.

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